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Course Details

Free Source Code - Codeintra
Course Image Learn To Create A 2D Endless Runner Game In Unity - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Tibet Ege Demir

Learn To Create A 2D Endless Runner Game In Unity

Course Info



Total Lectures


Total Duration

10 hours




A PC that can run Unity 2022 game engine.That's it. You can start right now!
Free Source Code - Codeintra

Course Description

Learn how to develop your own classic endless runner game using Unity, a game development program well-known and used by many large gaming studios and indie developers all around the world.

In this course, you will not just learn the programming concepts, you will learn them by seeing their use in the real game development process. So you will not just learn about them, you will learn how to use them to build your own games.

This course has been designed to be suitable for all levels. Although beginners may struggle in learning some concepts, they will easily learn a lot of the topics and techniques. And they will have a strong understanding of the topics and techniques taught. Also this course is suitable for game developers who want to widen their understanding on game developmentand want to learn new techniques and ideas. So whether you are a complete beginner, or a game developer looking to expand their knowledge in understanding game design, this course will help you to gain a stronger understanding of development.

When you complete this course you will have developed a strong understanding on topics such as:

  • Creating animations

  • Creating looping games

  • Data saving with encryption

  • Designing user interfaces

  • Creating visual effects using particle systems

  • Planning the steps of building complete games

You can start learning now to become a game developer!

What you'll learn

Learn C#, a modern powerful programming language, in a detailed way.Get used to using Unity.Learn advanced programming skills such as object oriented programming.Learn advanced data saving and loading with encryption.Learn the steps of developing a fully functioning game.Create 2D games in Unity.Develop strong problem solving skills.Design user interfaces in Unity.Animate characters and game objects.Creating visual effects using particle systems.

Who this course is for

Anyone who wants to make their own 2D games.Beginners that are interested game development.Game developers who want to improve their skills.People interested in working in the game development industry.People who are confident with using a computer.Programmers who want to learn advanced techniques.

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