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Course Details

Free Source Code - Codeintra
Course Image Popular Payment Gateways & Packages Integration In Laravel - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Web Solution US

Popular Payment Gateways & Packages Integration In Laravel

Course Info



Total Lectures


Total Duration

7.5 hours




Basic PHPBasic OOPBasic HTML and CSSLocal Server : Xampp/Wampp/Vertrigo/Mamp/LaragonText Editor/IDE: Sublime Text / Visual Studio Code / PhpStorm etc
Free IP API - KrishnaIP

Course Description

A payment gateway integration course is a comprehensive training program designed to teach individuals and businesses how to integrate a payment gateway into their website or application. This allows customers to securely and conveniently make online transactions using credit or debit cards, e-wallets, or other payment methods. The course is ideal for web developers, e-commerce entrepreneurs, and anyone else looking to add online payment functionality to their website or application.

The course typically covers topics such as understanding payment gateway architecture, selecting a payment gateway provider, setting up a merchant account, implementing security protocols, and troubleshooting common issues. The course may also include hands-on exercises and projects to help students gain practical experience with integrating a payment gateway. The students will have the opportunity to integrate popular payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, and other leading options with the framework Laravel.

The course will start with an introduction to payment gateways and their role in online transactions. Students will learn about the different types of payment gateways and their features, as well as how to select a payment gateway provider that meets their needs. They will also learn about the technical requirements for integrating a payment gateway, including setting up a merchant account and implementing security protocols.

The course will also cover the process of integrating a payment gateway with Laravel. Students will learn how to use Laravel's built-in functionality to handle online transactions, and how to customize their integration to meet their specific needs. The course will also cover troubleshooting common issues that may arise during integration and how to handle them.

Upon completion of the course, students will have the knowledge and skills to integrate a payment gateway on their own and process online transactions. They will be able to create a secure and reliable payment system for their website or application and be able to handle transactions and payment processing with ease. The knowledge and skills acquired in this course can also be used to improve their Laravel development skills and make them more valuable in the job market.

What you'll learn

PayPal integration in laravelStripe integration in laravelRazorpay integration in laravel2Checkout integration in laravelInstamojo integration in laravelMollie integration in laravelPaystack integration in laravelSSLCOMMERZ integration in laravelYajra Datatable ImplementationImage Intervention ImplementationShopping Cart ImplementionSpatie Laravel Permission Implementation (Role & Permission)Socialite Social Authentication (Social Login)

Who this course is for

Those who want to be a expert on Laravel Payment gatewaysWho want to integrate payment gateway for own projectWho want to know about multiple payment gateways.

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