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Course Details

Create AI Influencer
Course Image Create Telegram Bots using Python and Pyrogram - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Mehdi Haghgoo

Create Telegram Bots using Python and Pyrogram

Course Info



Total Lectures


Total Duration

1.5 hours




Basic Python coding knowledge is highly recommended
Free Source Code - Codeintra

Course Description

What is this Course?

This course will teach you how to create Telegram bots (software robots) quickly and easily.

Telegram is a large messaging platform that is now much more than just a messenger. Its focus on security, speed and privacy has attracted millions of users worldwide. Therefore, by learning how to create Telegram bots and apps, you can potentially reach millions of users!

Who Is This Course For?

Everyone who wants to learn how Telegram bots work and how to create them can benefit from this course. Whether you are a beginner Python developer or a seasoned Python programmer, this course will help you get started with Telegram development fast and easily. Even if you have worked with other technologies in the past to create Telegram bots, this course can still be a valuable source of information to you as it teaches you how to use Pyrogram library, which is a powerful and well-designed library, to initialize and run your Telegram bots. 

What Does This Course Cover?

The following topics will be covered in the present course:

  1. What is a Telegram bot and how it works

  2. How to create bots using Bot Father

  3. How to install Pyrogram

  4. Running a Telegram bot with Python

  5. Running a Telegram bot with containers

  6. Event Handling and more...

Why You Should Take this Course?

  1. Developing Telegram applications and bots is a profitable and highly in-demand job nowadays, because there is a massive market for Telegram, which opens up countless opportunities for developers.

  2. As a high-level and easy to learn language, Python will be used for developing Telegram bots in this course. Moreover, the library we use is Pyrogram which makes getting started with Telegram development a breeze.

  3. You will learn how to develop and launch bots using containers, which is the modern standard for software development and containers. I teach you how to develop your Telegram bots using containers because they make development easier on every platform including macOS, Linux and Windows.

Is There Support After the Purchase?

Absolutely! Like other Udemy courses, this one also comes with the 30-day money-back guarantee. Furthermore, I will always answer your questions and challenges in the course. So, if you happen to have any questions while studying the course, just drop a question and I will answer your questions and challenges ASAP. 

What you'll learn

Create Telegram bots from scratchManage Telegram bots with BotFatherDevelop Telegram bots using ContainersWrite Telegram bots using Pyrogram libraryLearn various event handling techniques

Who this course is for

Anyone interested in creating Telegram bots quickly, easily, and effectively

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