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Course Details

Free Source Code - Codeintra
Course Image Comprehensive IT Audit for Non-IT Auditor - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Omair Arfeen

Comprehensive IT Audit for Non-IT Auditor

Course Info

Total Lectures


Total Duration

3 hours




General Auditing Skills
Mod APK Download - modapkhub

Course Description

Are you a non-IT auditor looking to expand your skill set and enhance your ability to audit IT systems effectively? This course, "Comprehensive IT Audit for Non-IT Auditors," is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and tools to perform thorough IT audits, even if you don't have a technical background.

In today's digital age, IT systems are the backbone of most organizations, and understanding how to audit these systems is crucial for ensuring compliance, security, and operational efficiency. This course breaks down complex IT concepts into easy-to-understand modules, making it accessible for auditors of all experience levels.

What You'll Learn:

  • Access Control Auditing: Assess how organizations protect sensitive data by managing who has access to their systems.

  • Backup & Media Auditing: Ensure critical data is safely backed up and can be recovered in case of an emergency.

  • Change Management Auditing: Review how changes to IT systems are controlled and documented to prevent unauthorized modifications.

  • IT Sites Auditing: Evaluate the physical and environmental controls at IT facilities to ensure data security.

  • Laptop & Personal Computers Auditing: Inspect the security and management of endpoint devices used within the organization.

  • Systems Acquisition & Development Auditing: Analyze the processes involved in acquiring and developing IT systems to ensure they meet organizational needs.

  • Contingency Planning Auditing: Ensure that effective disaster recovery plans are in place to minimize downtime in case of unexpected events.

  • Database Management Auditing: Examine how databases are managed and secured to protect critical organizational data.

  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Auditing: Review the security and efficiency of electronic transactions between organizations.

  • IT Governance - IT Structure and Resources Auditing: Evaluate the organization's IT structure and resource allocation to ensure alignment with business goals.

  • IT Governance - Strategic Planning Auditing: Assess the strategic planning processes that guide IT investments and initiatives.

  • IT Operations Auditing: Review the efficiency and effectiveness of day-to-day IT operations.

  • Systems & Operating Software Auditing: Analyze the management and security of operating systems and software applications.

  • User Support Auditing: Ensure that user support systems are effective and responsive to organizational needs.

  • Virus Management Auditing: Evaluate the effectiveness of virus protection and response strategies within the organization.

Each module is accompanied by a downloadable audit program, providing you with a practical tool to apply what you've learned immediately.

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to perform comprehensive IT audits, adding significant value to your organization and your career. Whether you're an internal auditor, compliance officer, or just looking to broaden your auditing expertise, this course is your gateway to mastering IT audits

What you'll learn

What are General IT ControlsWhat are Advance IT ControlsAuditing Access ControlAuditing Back-up & MediaAuditing Change ManagementAuditing IT Sites and Data CenterAuditing Laptop & Personal ComputersAuditing Systems Acquisition & DevelopmentAuditing Contingency PlanAuditing Database ManagementAuditing Electronic Data InterchangeAuditing IT Governance - IT Structure and ResourcesAuditing IT Governance - Strategic PlanningAuditing IT OperationsAuditing Systems & Operating SoftwareAuditing User SupportAuditing Virus Management

Who this course is for

Internal AuditorsExternal AuditorsRisk and Compliance StaffFraud / Forensic Auditors

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