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Course Details

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Course Image Learn The Basics Of Kotlin (Crash Course) - Free Course Pro
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Learn The Basics Of Kotlin (Crash Course)

Course Info

Total Lectures


Total Duration

3.5 hours




Willingness to learn.
Free IP API - KrishnaIP

Course Description

Welcome to "Learn the Basics of Kotlin (Crash Course)"! This course is designed for beginners who want to dive into the world of Kotlin programming. Whether you're new to coding or looking to expand your skills, this course will provide you with a solid foundation in Kotlin, one of the most modern and versatile programming languages.

Throughout this course, you'll learn everything from the basic syntax and structure of Kotlin to advanced features like lambda expressions and null safety. We'll also cover object-oriented programming concepts and give you practical experience by building a simple Android app. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to write your own Kotlin programs and continue your journey in software development.


Section 1: Introduction

  • Lecture 1: Welcome and Course Overview

  • Lecture 2: What Is Kotlin?

  • Lecture 3: Setting Up Your Development Environment

  • Lecture 4: Your First Kotlin Program

Section 2: Kotlin Basics

  • Lecture 5: Basic Syntax and Structure

  • Lecture 6: Variables and Data Structures

  • Lecture 7: Control Flow (If Statements, While Loops)

  • Lecture 8: Functions in Kotlin

Section 3: Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin

  • Lecture 9: Classes and Objects

  • Lecture 10: Constructors and Initialization

  • Lecture 11: Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Lecture 12: Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Section 4: Advanced Kotlin Features

  • Lecture 13: Collections and Generics

  • Lecture 14: Lambda Expressions and Higher-Order Functions

  • Lecture 15: Extension Functions

  • Lecture 16: Null Safety and Smart Casts

Section 5: Practical Applications and Next Steps

  • Lecture 17: Building a Simple Android App with Kotlin

  • Lecture 18: Debugging and Testing Your Kotlin Code

  • Lecture 19: Best Practices in Kotlin Programming

  • Lecture 20: Conclusion and Next Steps

Join me on this exciting journey to learn Kotlin in a beginner-friendly way and unlock your potential as a programmer!

What you'll learn

Understand the basic syntax and structure of Kotlin programming.Write simple Kotlin programs and solve basic coding problems.Utilize Kotlin's key features and functions to enhance your code.Develop a foundation for Android app development using Kotlin.

Who this course is for

Anyone interested in learning a modern, versatile programming language.

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