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Course Details

Sell Source Code - Codeintra
Course Image Java for Absolute Beginners - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Mohamed Kamal

Java for Absolute Beginners

Course Info



Total Lectures


Total Duration

4 hours




Basic using of computer
Free Source Code - Codeintra

Course Description

This is a programming course for absolute programming beginners.

The course content was designed for students with no prior knowledge of programming at all, just the basic knowledge of how to use the computer (just basic knowledge).


The course content starts with introducing the learner to the basic concepts of programming, what the meaning of programming is in depth,  how the programming languages differ, and how the computer understands these programming languages.


In Section 2, the course focuses on the Java language, how it is one of the most popular languages, and how it is usable on different platforms (write once, run everywhere).


In the next sections, the course goes through the main programming concepts using Java, concepts as variables and data types, operators in Java and their types: arithmetic operators and logical operators, then introduces control flow statements and their different types, including loops and if statements.


The selection of Java as the programming language to learn programming basics is based on the importance of Java as a as a programming language and how it is one of the most popular and strong programming languages.


I hope this course is helpful and look forward to hearing your thoughts, questions, and reviews.


Have a nice learning day!

What you'll learn

Learn the meaning of programming languageLearn about the basics of programming (compiler, interpreter, ...)Learn about the basics of java language (JDK, JVM, JRE, ......)How to write java programs using both cmd or IDEBasic concepts of programming and Java ( variables, data types, operators, conditional statements, loops, .......)Java OperatorsJava Control Flow Statements

Who this course is for

Beginners to programming who willing to learn about programming and java basics

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