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Course Details

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Course Image Building AI Applications with Flask - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Franck Stéphane

Building AI Applications with Flask

Course Info

Total Lectures


Total Duration

4.5 hours




Basic Understanding of Python: Learners should have a foundational knowledge of Python, including functions, data structures (lists, dictionaries), and control flow (loops, conditionals).Familiarity with HTML and CSS: Some prior experience with HTML and CSS will be helpful for understanding how to render templates and style web pages in Flask.Comfortable with Command Line: Basic command-line navigation is required for setting up the development environment, installing dependencies, and running Flask applications.Development Tools: Learners should have access to a computer with Python installed, a text editor (like VSCode or PyCharm), and a reliable internet connection.
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Course Description

"Building AI Applications with Flask" is a comprehensive course designed for beginners and intermediate developers who want to master Flask, a lightweight and powerful web framework, to build AI-driven applications. This course starts with the fundamentals of Flask, teaching you how to set up a minimal application, manage debugging, and ensure secure HTML escaping. You'll learn about routing basics, handling different types of variable rules such as strings, integers, floats, paths, and UUIDs, and understand unique URL generation and redirect behaviors.

The course also covers important aspects of web development such as using HTTP methods to handle requests, working with static files, rendering templates, and accessing and manipulating request data from forms, cookies, and files. You will gain hands-on experience with redirects, error handling, and response management, including streaming.

Course Chapters

  1. Introduction

    • Status: Free

    • Publication Status: Published

    • Description: An overview of the course, what you'll learn, and how to get started.

  2. Routing

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Learn the fundamentals of routing in Flask, including variable rules and URL generation.

  3. Static Files and Templates

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Understand how to manage static files and render dynamic HTML templates using Flask.

  4. Accessing Request Data

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Explore how to access and manipulate request data from forms, cookies, and files.

  5. Redirects, Errors, Responses

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Handle redirects, manage errors, and control responses, including streaming content.

  6. Sessions, Message Flashing, Logging

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Gain hands-on experience in managing user sessions, flashing messages, and implementing logging.

  7. An Ounce of TailwindCSS

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Integrate TailwindCSS into your Flask projects to enhance UI design with minimal effort.

  8. The Pleasure of Vanilla CSS

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Master the basics of vanilla CSS to style your Flask applications without relying on frameworks.

  9. The Pleasure of Vanilla CSS 2

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Continue your exploration of vanilla CSS, diving deeper into styling techniques.

  10. Adding a Database

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Learn how to integrate databases into your Flask applications to manage and store data efficiently.

  11. Alembic and Celery

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Discover how to use Alembic for database migrations and Celery for background task processing.

  12. Elements of UI Design

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Delve into the principles of UI design to create user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing applications.

  13. Structured Outputs

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Learn how to produce structured outputs such as JSON or XML in your Flask applications.

  14. Secure Forms

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Implement secure forms in Flask, ensuring data integrity and protection against common vulnerabilities.

  15. Payments & Analytics (1)

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Integrate payment processing and analytics into your Flask applications, covering basic setups.

  16. Payments & Analytics (2)

    • Status: Published

    • Description: Build on your payment processing and analytics skills, exploring advanced techniques and tools.

What you'll learn

Master Flask Framework BasicsDevelop AI-Driven Web ApplicationsEnhance Applications with TailwindCSS and Vanilla CSSImplement Databases, Migrations, and Task Scheduling

Who this course is for

Aspiring web developers who want to gain hands-on experience with a lightweight yet powerful web framework like Flask while building real-world applications.AI enthusiasts and data scientists who are looking to integrate machine learning models into web applications and deploy them in practical, user-facing solutions.Python developers who want to expand their skill set into web development, learning how to create dynamic, interactive, and scalable web applications.Students or professionals looking to build a portfolio of AI-powered projects and applications, or anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Flask and web development in general.

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