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Course Details

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Course Image Building Video Call App with WebRTC & JetpackCompose Android - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Dinesh S

Building Video Call App with WebRTC & JetpackCompose Android

Author: Dinesh S

Course Info



Total Lectures


Total Duration

3 hours




Familiarity with Android app development and the Kotlin programming language will help learners follow along with the course content effectively.While not a technical requirement, a keen interest in exploring WebRTC and building real-time communication applications will enhance the learning experience.
Free Source Code - Codeintra

Course Description

Discover the power of real-time communication by building a video call app using WebRTC and Jetpack Compose. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and deploy a functional video call application on the Android platform. Throughout this course, you will delve into the fundamentals of WebRTC, understanding its architecture and operation, which are essential for implementing video calling features.

You’ll learn to design and structure the app’s layout using Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern UI toolkit, and create intuitive navigation and user interface workflows. This course provides practical, hands-on experience, guiding you through every step of the development process—from setting up your Android project to optimizing it for WebRTC functionality and ensuring high performance.

Whether you’re a seasoned Android developer looking to enhance your skills or a tech enthusiast eager to explore the world of real-time communication technologies, this course offers a supportive learning environment for all. By the end of this course, you’ll have the confidence and expertise to create your own video call app, seamlessly integrating WebRTC and Jetpack Compose, and opening the door to more advanced Android development projects and opportunities.

  • Build a Video Call App: Learn to develop a functional video call application using WebRTC and Jetpack Compose.

  • Master WebRTC Basics: Understand WebRTC architecture and how it supports real-time communication.

  • Design with Jetpack Compose: Create modern, intuitive UIs with Jetpack Compose and manage app navigation effectively.

  • Enhance User Experience: Explore app permissions, user experience design, and troubleshooting techniques.

  • Practical Hands-On Learning: Gain practical skills through guided, step-by-step development and integration processes.

This course is perfect for Android developers and tech enthusiasts who want to build real-time communication applications and advance their development skills.

What you'll learn

You will gain a solid understanding of WebRTC, its architecture, and how it facilitates real-time communication within mobile applications.You will learn how to design and develop a video call app from scratch, utilizing the modern UI toolkit Jetpack Compose for a seamless user experience.You will be equipped to create intuitive app navigation and user interface workflows, ensuring optimal user interaction and engagement.You will acquire the skills to set up, configure, and optimize Android projects specifically for implementing WebRTC features, including video calls.

Who this course is for

If you’re passionate about real-time communication technologies and want to explore building video call applications, this course will offer a comprehensive guide to getting started.This course will be valuable for anyone looking to enhance their mobile development skills by incorporating cutting-edge technologies like WebRTC in their projects.Whether you’re a seasoned Android developer or just starting out, this course will deepen your understanding of WebRTC and how to integrate it into Android applications using Jetpack Compose.

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