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Course Image AI SaaS Image Generator & Chatbot: React NextJs TypeScript - Free Course Pro
Author Logo Ryan Dhungel

AI SaaS Image Generator & Chatbot: React NextJs TypeScript

Course Info



Total Lectures


Total Duration

6.5 hours




Basic knowledge of JavaScript and React is essential for understanding the course material effectively.
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Course Description

React NextJS TypeScript GeminiAI OpenAI Image Generator + Chatbot

Welcome to this cutting-edge course that will transform you into a full-stack AI developer! In this comprehensive program, you'll learn to harness the power of React, NextJS, TypeScript, and AI technologies to create stunning web applications with advanced features.

What You'll Learn

Mastering Modern Web Development

You'll start by diving deep into React and NextJS, two of the most powerful tools in modern web development. Learn how to create dynamic, server-side rendered applications that are fast, efficient, and SEO-friendly. We'll use TypeScript throughout the course, giving you the advantage of strong typing and improved code quality.

AI Integration

Get hands-on experience integrating Google's Gemini AI and OpenAI into your projects. You'll learn how to leverage these cutting-edge AI technologies to add intelligent features to your applications, setting your projects apart in today's competitive tech landscape.

Image Generation and Chatbots

Create an AI-powered image generator that can produce stunning visuals based on text prompts. Then, build a sophisticated chatbot capable of engaging in intelligent conversations. These projects will give you practical experience in implementing AI in real-world applications.

Creating a SaaS Application: Understand the key principles of SaaS development. You’ll learn how to define your idea, conduct market research, develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and iterate based on user feedback. This knowledge will empower you to create applications that meet real user needs.

Authentication and Security

Implement Clerk authentication to ensure your applications are secure and user data is protected. You'll learn best practices for handling user access and maintaining data integrity in your projects.

Database Integration and Server Actions

Explore server-side actions and integrate MongoDB for efficient data management. Learn how to structure your database, perform operations, and optimize your queries for performance.

Cloud Services and Image Management

Master the art of cloud integration by learning how to upload and manage AI-generated images using Cloudinary. This skill is crucial for handling media in modern web applications.

UI/UX and Responsive Design

Create beautiful, responsive user interfaces using ShadcnUI. Implement dark mode and learn how to craft intuitive user experiences that work seamlessly across devices.

Dashboard Development

Build a comprehensive dashboard to display user-generated images with pagination. You'll learn how to create efficient data displays and implement features like image downloads and sharing.

Payment Integration

Integrate PayPal to create a credit system within your application. This will teach you how to handle digital transactions and manage user credits, essential skills for any SaaS application.


Finally, learn how to deploy your full-stack AI SaaS application to Vercel, making it accessible to users worldwide.

Course Structure

The course is divided into manageable sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the development process. You'll start with the basics and progressively build more complex features, ensuring a solid understanding at every step.

  1. Project Setup and Basics

    • Setting up NextJS with ShadcnUI

    • Creating a responsive navigation

    • Implementing an animated gradient headline

  2. Image Generation Fundamentals

    • Building the image input component

    • Creating a hero image slider

    • Implementing image thumbnails and previews

  3. Authentication and User Management

    • Integrating Clerk authentication

    • Setting up protected server actions

    • Implementing toast notifications for user feedback

  4. AI Integration

    • Connecting to Replicate AI for image generation

    • Implementing server actions for AI requests

    • Saving and managing generated images

  5. Database and Cloud Storage

    • Setting up MongoDB for data persistence

    • Creating image models and schemas

    • Integrating Cloudinary for image storage

  6. Dashboard and User Interface

    • Building a user dashboard with pagination

    • Implementing dark mode

    • Creating image view and sharing pages

  7. Payment and Credit System

    • Integrating PayPal for payments

    • Implementing a credit system

    • Managing user credits and transactions

  8. Chatbot Development

    • Integrating Google Gemini AI for chatbot functionality

    • Creating a chat interface with react-chat-ui

    • Implementing OpenAI chatbot capabilities

  9. Final Touches and Deployment

    • Refining the UI with icons and sub-text

    • Optimizing the application for performance

    • Deploying the project to Vercel

Why This Course?

This course is designed for developers who want to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of web development and AI. By combining React, NextJS, and TypeScript with cutting-edge AI technologies, you'll be equipped to build the next generation of web applications. You'll not only learn how to code these features but also understand the principles behind them, enabling you to adapt to new technologies as they emerge. The projects you'll build are not just academic exercises – they're real-world applications that you can showcase in your portfolio or even turn into your own SaaS product.

What you'll learn

Master React and NextJS to build dynamic, server-side rendered applications using TypeScript for improved code quality and performance.Gain hands-on experience integrating AI technologies, including Google’s Gemini AI and OpenAI, to create advanced image generation and chatbot functionalities.Learn to implement Clerk authentication for secure user access while exploring server-side actions with MongoDB for efficient data management.Develop modern SaaS applications using cutting-edge technologies, including PayPal integration for credit-based payment systems.Create responsive UIs with ShadcnUI and implement dark mode features to enhance user experience in web applications.Build a comprehensive dashboard to display user-generated images with pagination, including functionalities for image downloads and sharing.

Who this course is for

Web developers looking to upgrade their skills with AI integration.React developers wanting to explore NextJS and TypeScript.Aspiring full-stack developers interested in building AI-powered applications.Entrepreneurs looking to create their own SaaS products.

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